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How to submit your PhD thesis
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How to submit your PhD thesis
Archive 2013-2021
Archive 2017
Archive 2017
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025)
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025) / Analytical and computational methodology (2025)
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025) / Career planning (2025)
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025) / Courses for Supervisors (2025)
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025) / General PhD Skills (2025)
General Courses within the Doctoral Schools of Engineering, Tech and Medicine (2025) / Theory of science (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025) / Computer Science and Engineering (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025) / Media Architecture and Design (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025) / Wireless Communications (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025) / Planning and Development (2025)
The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2025) / Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025) / Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025) / AAU Energy (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025) / Mathematics, Physics and Computational Science (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025) / Civil Engineering (2025)
The Doctoral School in Engineering and Science (2025) / Materials Science, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (2025)
The Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities (2025)
The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology (2025)
The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology (2025) / Mandatory Program-Specific Courses
Workshops, seminars and summer schools
Workshops, seminars and summer schools / Summer School – Doctoral School of Engineering and Science 2022 (Aug. 22-26, 2022)
Workshops, seminars and summer schools / Summer School – Doctoral School of Engineering and Science 2023 (Aug. 21-25, 2023)
Archive 2024
Archive 2023
Archive 2022
Archive 2013-2021
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2013
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2014
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2015
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2016
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2017
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2018
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2019
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2020
Archive 2013-2021 / Archive 2021
Søg efter kurser
Søg efter kurser
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5G Optimised Physical Layer (2017)
AC Microgrids (2017)
Academic Searching, Publishing & Information Management - Fall 1 (2017)
Academic Searching, Publishing & Information Management - Fall 2 (2017)
Academic Searching, Publishing & Information Management CPH - Fall (2017)
Active Fault-Tolerant Control: Theory and Applications (2017)
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (2017)
Advanced energy systems analyses on the EnergyPlan model (2017)
Advanced FPGA-Based Controllers for Power Electronic and Drive Applications (2017)
Advanced LCA – Consequential Modeling, EIO, LCA, iLUC and Social LCA (2017)
Advanced Mathematics for PhD Candidates (2017)
Advanced signal processing in joint time-frequency and time-scale domains (2017)
Advanced Topics in Pulse Width Modulation for Voltage Source Converters (2017)
Advanced Topics in Translational Neuroscience (2017)
An Introduction to HVDC and MTDC Transmission System (2017)
An Introduction to Qualitative Methods (2017)
Analysis of Microbial Community Structure by 16S Amplicon Sequencing (2017)
Analysis of Wave Propagation in Structures and Solids (2017)
Anthropological approaches in architecture, urban planning and design (2017)
Application-Oriented Modelling of Renewable Energy Sources, Conversion and Energy Storage Systems (2017)
Applying the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity to your Research 1 (2017)
Applying the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity to your Research 2 (2017)
Applying the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity to your Research 3 (2017)
Aspects of Advanced Analytics (2017)
Big Data Management on Modern Hardware (2017)
Biostatistics I (2017)
Biostatistics II (2017)
Building the Bridge between Electrical Grid Control and Communication in Smart Grids (2017)
CANCELLED - Looking at diseases with a systemic approach, finding new treatment opportunities (2017)
Cancelled Artificial intelligence: foundations and applications (2017)
CANCELLED Intro to high-performance computing clusters (2017)
CANCELLED Startup and management of a biotech company (2017)
CANCELLED - Encoderless Control of Electric Drives Motors and Generators (2017)
CANCELLED - Interaction Design Research: A Human Centered Approach to Design (2017)
CANCELLED - Reluctance Electric Motor Drives for High Efficiency in Line Start and Variable Speed Applications (2017)
CANCELLED Advances in Digital Design Theory (2017)
CANCELLED Geometric Linear Control Theory
CANCELLED Immunology (2017)
CANCELLED Quantitative research methods: an introductory guide for clinicians (2017)
CANCELLED Techniques in Histology and Immunohistochemistry (2017)
Capacitors in Power Electronics Applications (2017)
Central nervous system mechanisms of pain inhibition and sensitisation (2017)
Clinical research (2017)
Computing with Data Using R (2017)
Control and Optimization (2017)
Data management and documentation (2017)
DC Microgrids (2017)
Deep Learning (2017)
Deep Learning EEE (2017)
Design and Analysis of Experiments (2017)
Design Research – Epistemologies and Methods (2017)
Detection and Quantification of Microplastic (2017)
Electricity Market and Power System Optimization (2017)
Electrochemical Energy Conversion (2017)
Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems (2017) CANCELLED
Electromagnetics (2017)
Engaging with society (2017)
Epidemiologi – basic principles (2017)
Ethics and Social Responsibilities for Scientists and Engineers in the 21st Century (2017)
Evidence-Based Medicine (2017)
Fracture Mechanics for Laminated Composite Structures (2017)
From Timed Automata to Stochastic Hybrid Games - Model Checking, Synthesis, Refinement, Performance Analysis and Machine Learning
Future Media – Techologies and Markets (2017)
Generation and Analysis of Waves in Physical Models (2017)
Harmonics in Power Electronics and Power Systems (2017)
Health Scientific Searching and Publishing, Fall (2017)
Health Scientific Searching and Publishing, Spring (2017)
Indeterminate mobilities: travelling with uncertain futures (2017)
Innovative Processes and their Staging (2017)
Intellectual Property Rights (2017)
International Scientific Networking - a Practical Approach (2017)
Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis (2017)
Introduction to Statistical Programming (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - Fall 1 (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - Fall 2 (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - Fall 3 (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - spring 1 (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - spring 2 (2017)
Introduction to the PhD Study - spring 3 (2017)
Introduction to Wind Power (Generation and Integration) (2017)
Lean and the Work Environment (2017) CANCELLED
Library Information Management - Spring 1 (2017)
Library Information Management - Spring 2 (2017)
Library Information Management Copenhagen - Spring (2017)
Linear & Integer Linear Programming (2017)
Linear regression I (2017)
Logics for Computation (2017)
Machine Learning (2017)
Management of Research and Development (2017)
Managing Complexity in Projects (2017)
Mathematical Kaleidoscope I (2017)
Mixed Models with Biomedical and Engineering Applications (2017)
Modeling Frameworks for Discrete Optimization Problems (2017) - CANCELLED
Modern Power Semiconductors and their Packaging (2017)
Modular Multilevel Converters MMC (2017)
Multivariate Data Analysis (2017)
Nociception and Motor Control (2017)
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (2017)
Numerical and experimental modelling and control of Wave Energy Converters (2017)
Numerical Physics (2017)
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