A spatial point process is a mathematical model for randomly distributed points in two or higher dimensional space, e.g. the locations of restaurants in a city, trees in a forest, cases of a disease in a country or galaxies in the Universe. The model may be extended to include information about covariates such as soil conditions in case of trees and random `marks´ such as `types of points´ (e.g. different types of restaurants or species of trees), `size of associated object´ (e.g. the diameter of a tree at breast height) or `direction of associated object´ (e.g. the direction from the center of a brain cell to its apex). Fig. 1 shows three. While the mathematical theory for point processes on two or higher dimensional Euclidean space is fairly well-developed with accompanying user-friendly software for statistical analysis, notably the R package spatstat, the research on point processes defined on more general spaces such as linear networks and the sphere is in its infancy. The theory for marked point processes is also less developed. The extension to space-time point processes gives rise to further basic research problems.

Fig. 1: (a) locations of Western-style and Chinese restaurants in Beijing. (b) pyramidal brain cells’ nucleolus locations and their directions. (c) spine locations on a dendrite network of neurons.
The summer school provides an state-of-the-art introduction to statistics for point patterns in first Euclidean space and second on the sphere and linear networks. Along with this relevant software using the spatstat package will be introduced. Furthermore, two separate topics will be treated: statistics for space-time processes and topological tools for analyzing point patterns.
The lectures will be given by five members of the spatial point process group at Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, which is recognized as an international leading group at the forefront of development of spatial point process theory and its applications. Professors Jesper Møller (JM) and Rasmus Waagepetersen (RW) have contributed with a number of influential papers and a research monograph which is a key reference. Associate Professor Jakob G. Rasmussen (JGR) is a specialist on spatial and temporal point processes, Associate Professor Ege Rubak (ER) has a strong background in computational methods for spatial point processes and is a co-author of a recent monograph about spatstat, and Associate Professor Christophe A.N. Biscio (CB) works with topological data analysis methods for spatial point processes.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in probability theory and mathematical statistics. Some knowledge about spatial statistics/point processes will be an advantage but is not requested.
8.30-11.45 Introduction to statistical analysis of point patterns in Euclidean space (RW+ER)
11.45-12.45 Lunch (see below)
12.45-15.30 More on statistical analysis of point patterns in Euclidean space (RW+ER)
19-21 Reception (see below)
8.30-11.45 More on statistical analysis of point patterns in Euclidean space (RW+ER)
11.45-12.45 Lunch (see below)
12.45-15.30 More on statistical analysis of point patterns in Euclidean space (RW+ER)
19-21 City walk (see below)
8.30-11.45 Statistical analysis of space-time point patterns (JGR)
11.45-12.45 Lunch (see below)
12.45-? Excursion (see below)
8.30-10 More on statistical analysis of space-time point patterns (JGR)
10-10.15 Pause
10.15-11.45 Statistical analysis of point patterns on the sphere and linear networks (JM)
11.45-12.45 Lunch (see below)
12.45-14 More on statistical analysis of point patterns on the sphere and linear networks (JM)
14-14.15 Pause
14.15-15.30 Statistical analysis of point patterns on directed linear networks (JGR)
8.30-11.45 Topological and statistical analysis of point patterns (CB)
11.45-12.45 Lunch to go
Slides and other material: see https://spatstat.org/Aalborg2022/
Evaluation: The participants will be evaluated by successful participation during the lectures, including the solution of exercises.
Organizer: Professor Jesper Møller
ECTS: 4.0
Time: August 22 - 26, 2022
Place: Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7A room 4/108, DK-9200 Aalborg Ø.
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 25
Deadline: August 1, 2022
Payment: Registration fee for Danish PhD students = DKK 0
Registration fee for non-Danish PhD students is EUR 800. Registration fee for other participants is EUR 1067.
Reception, city walk and excursion are also free of charge.
All participants must pay for catering - see the link to payment below:
Please remember to sign up below and also pay for the catering at the link above.
- Teacher: Christophe Biscio
- Teacher: Jesper Møller
- Teacher: Jakob Gulddahl Rasmussen
- Teacher: Ege Rubak
- Teacher: Rasmus Waagepetersen
- Description
Introduction According to the Ellen McArthur Report 2020, up to 9 million tons of plastic waste leak into the oceans each year, feeding the big garbage patches. Sadly, by 2050, there might be as much (micro)plastics as fish biomass in the sea. How did we get to this?
With a global production of 350 million tons in 2018 and a 4-fold increase foreseen in the next 30 years, plastic is becoming one of the most abundant anthropogenic materials, with multiple implications on economy and environment. Moreover, due to inefficient waste management, recycling rates of post-consumer plastics only reach a disappointing 14% worldwide. Most plastic waste ends up incinerated and landfilled, while only a minor fraction is collected for recycling.
The low rates of recycling have made plastic pollution one of the biggest waste problems faced by today’s society. In fact, relevant fractions of plastic cannot be (economically) recycled with conventional technologies, and new solutions are urgently needed. In addition to mechanical and chemical recycling, new studies are now investigating biochemical recycling routes, mainly through enzyme technology and protein engineering. These technologies might represent a much-needed cornerstone for a more circular use of plastic and have the potential to complement the already existing technologies, by targeting the currently non-recycled fractions. However, the hydrophobicity and high crystallinity of plastics are still of major concern, often leading to slow kinetics and incomplete degradation, thus requiring further research and process optimization. For this reason, biotechnological plastic degradation and recycling are often overlooked on an industrial level, even though a new biotechnology by Carbios and Toulouse White Biotechnology allows obtaining efficient depolymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) on an industry-relevant scale and processing time. Considering that biotechnological degradation of plastics is still at a very early stage, these results are very promising and stimulate further research and development.
The Summer School:
The focus will be on the biotechnological recycling of plastic waste, but a general overview of the whole value chain will be provided as well.Targeted participants are Ph.D. candidates, PostDocs, and industrial engineers.
Moreover, the Summer school will represent a network opportunity for the European H2020 BIOTECH 09 Cluster, to gather and exchange experiences among early-career researchers of the three EU projects dedicated to the plastic upcycling topic: UPLIFT (https://upliftproject.eu/), Up-PE/T (https://www.uppet.eu/) and PRESERVE (https://www.preserve-h2020.eu/).
Organizer: Cristiano Varrone (cva@bio.aau.dk), Associate Professor and UPLIFT coordinator
Lecturers: TBA
ECTS: 4.0
Time: August 22 - 26, 2022.
Place: Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 25
Deadline: August 9, 2022Payment: Registration fee for Danish PhD students = DKK 0
Registration fee for non-Danish PhD students is EUR 800.
Registration fee for other participants is EUR 1067.
Reception, city walk and excursion are also free of charge.
All participants must pay for catering - see the link to payment below:Link to payment:
Please remember to sign up below and also pay for the catering at the link above.
- Teacher: Massimo Pizzol
- Teacher: Cristiano Varrone
The plastics consumption is more than 300 mill. ton annually. This is around 10% of the oil and it contribute to landfill, ocean waste, increasing the amount of microplastics in the environment and carbon dioxide emissions. It is possible to recycle plastics fully (reuse, refurbish, recycle mechanically and chemical). To transform the current plastics, use towards recycling there are several barriers to overcome.
This course will cover selected aspects shown in detail below. This year, the school is planned from August 22nd to 26th 2022 (from Monday to Friday). Targeted participants are Ph.D. candidates, Postdocs, and industrial engineers.
The summer school will feature:
· An opening speech, given by Prof. Jesper de Claville Christiansen.
· A series of sixteen 45-min long lectures (total ~12 hours of theory), given by experts in fields of mechanical and chemical recycling, microplastics, supply chain and industry 5.0
· Three inspiring invited talks given by experts from the industry. (Nynne Bjerre Christensen – Plastics Change? Lego Anne Therese)
· Four 6-hours long practice sessions, hosted by 4 different laboratories at AAU.
· A City-walk event through Aalborg downtown.
· An excursion to the wind turbine test center in Thy (Denmark’s west coast);
The fee per person includes:
12 hours of lectures (16 x 45 min) from the principles to the emerging topics:
L1. Professor, PhD Jesper de Claville Christiansen (AAU MP, Mechanics and Physics): Opening and welcome – Recycling plastics. |
L2. Professor, PhD Brian Vejrum Wæhrens (AAU MP, Production): Management perspectives considering recycling plastics |
L3. Professor, PhD, Dr. Sci. Aleksey Drozdov (AAU MP, Mechanics and Physics): Mechanical recycling. How does this affect short and long term properties? Methods, parameters and models. |
L4. Guest Lecture. |
L5. Professor, PhD Ole Madsen (AAU MP, Production): Introduction to Industry 4.0 and digitalization, modern manufacturing. Preparation for hands-on session “Serious Play”. |
L6. Associate Professor, PhD Simon Bøgh (AAU MP, Production): AAU Smart Lab – Deep dive 1 |
L7. Research faculty, PhD Casper Schou (AAU MP, Production): AAU Smart Lab – Deep Dive 2 |
L8. Research faculty, PhD NN (AAU MP, Production): AAU Smart Lab – Deep Dive 3 |
L9. Professor, PhD Jes Vollertsen, (AAU Build): Microplastics 1 |
L10. Professor, PhD Jes Vollertsen, (AAU Build): Microplastics 2 |
L11. Professor, PhD Jes Vollertsen, (AAU Build): Microplastics 3 |
L12. Associate Professor, PhD Thomas Helmer Pedersen. (AAU Energy). Chemical Recycling 1 |
L13. Associate Professor, PhD Thomas Helmer Pedersen. (AAU Energy). Chemical Recycling 2 |
L14. Associate Professor, PhD Thomas Helmer Pedersen. (AAU Energy). Chemical Recycling 3 |
L15. Guest Lecture 2 |
L16. Guest Lecture 3 |
6 hours of hands-on workshops (4 x 1.5 hours):
W1. hands-on workshop on key methods for characterization (Thermal, mechanical, rheological, and optical methods). Associate Professor, PhD Lars Rosgaard
W2. hands-on workshop on “Serious Play Session” – building a factory for recycling plastics
W3. hands-on workshop on Chemical Recycling
W4. hands-on workshop on microplastics
ECTS: 4.0
Time: August 22 - 26, 2022
Place: Aalborg University, Kroghstræde 3, room 2.128
Number of seats: 25
Deadline: August 1, 2022
Payment: Registration fee for Danish PhD students = DKK 0
Registration fee for non-Danish PhD students is EUR 800.
Registration fee for other participants is EUR 1067.
Reception, city walk and excursion are also free of charge
All participants must pay for catering - see the link to payment below:
Link to payment: https://www.events.aau.dk/event/international-phd-summer-school-2022
Please remember to sign up below and also pay for the catering at the link above.
- Teacher: Jesper de Claville Christiansen
- Teacher: Lars Rosgaard Jensen
- Teacher: Fan Liu
- Teacher: Claudia Lorenz
- Teacher: Ole Madsen
- Teacher: Thomas Helmer Pedersen
- Teacher: Jes Vollertsen
- Teacher: Brian Vejrum Wæhrens
Power Electronics for Green Transition (PEGT)
Power electronics play an underpinning role in green transition in a wide range of applications and it is the main energy processing unit in e-transportation, renewable energies, power to gas systems, electric power grid applications, motor drives, etc., and are becoming the key elements of the green transition. This summer school aims to give hands-on experience on different fundamental and technical aspects of power electronics engineering from design to operation and from the device level up to the power-system level in several applications, including e-transportation, renewable energies, energy storage, power grid applications, and microgrids. This year, the school is planned from August 22nd to 26th 2022 (from Monday to Friday). More info at www.energy.aau.dk/pegt (available soon).
Targeted participants are Ph.D. candidates, PostDocs, and industrial engineers.
The summer school will feature:
• An opening speech, given by Prof. Frede Blaabjerg;
• A series of sixteen 45-min long lectures (total ~12 hours of theory), given by experts in renewable energy from both AAU Energy and other universities/industrial companies;
• Three inspiring invited talks given by experts from the industry;
• Four 6-hours long practice sessions, hosted at the PV- and the Reliability Laboratory at AAU energy;
• A City-walk event through Aalborg downtown;
• An excursion to the wind turbine test center in Thy (Denmark’s west coast);
The fee per person includes:
12 hours of lectures (16 x 45 min) from the principles to the emerging topics:
L1. Frede Blaabjerg (AAU Energy): Opening – introduction to the role of power electronics in green transition
L2. Erik Schaltz (AAU Energy): Power electronics for e-transportation
L3. Remus Teodorescu (AAU Energy): Smart Battery. A new technology involving batteries, power electronics, and artificial intelligence
L4. Tamas Kerekes (AAU Energy): Current control of grid-connected converters
L5. Francesco Iannuzzo (AAU Energy): Power devices & test-for-reliability opportunities at the X-Power center
L6. Xiongfei Wang (AAU Energy): Stability and Control of Inverter-Based Resources
L7. Mads Graungaard Taul (Space Inventor): Transient Stability of Converters subject to Grid Faults
L8. Tamas Kerekes (AAU Energy): Harmonic compensation
L9. Pooya Davari (AAU Energy): EMI/EMC in Power Electronics
L10. Huai Wang (AAU Energy): Reliability software & condition monitoring
L11. Norbert Hanigovszki (Danfoss): Smart motor drive
L12. Rui Wu (Vestas): DFMEA in power electronics
L13. Saeed Peyghami (AAU Energy): Reliability of power Electronic-based Power Systems
L14. Subham Sahoo (AAU Energy): Cybersecurity in power electronics systems
L15. Ariya Sangwongwanich (AAU Energy): Reliability in PV systems
L16. Shuai Zhao (AAU Energy): AI& data analytics in power electronics systems
6 hours of hands-on workshops (4 x 1.5 hours):
W1. hands-on workshop on Design and practical implementation for CC in PV systems
W2. hands-on workshop on Design and practical implementation for HC in PV systems
W3. hands-on workshop on Reliability of power electronics converters
W4. hands-on workshop on AI and its application in power electronics
ECTS: 4.0
Time: August 22 - 26, 2022 commencing at 09:00 on August 22.
Place: Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101, room 1.015
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 25
Deadline: August 1, 2022
Payment: Registration fee for Danish PhD students = DKK 0
Registration fee for non-Danish PhD students is EUR 800.
Registration fee for other participants is EUR 1067.
Reception, city walk and excursion are also free of charge.
All participants must pay for catering - see the link to payment below:
Link to payment: https://www.events.aau.dk/event/international-phd-summer-school-2022
Please remember to sign up below and also pay for the catering at the link above.
- Teacher: Saeed Peyghami
- Teacher: Huai Wang