Welcome to Synergizing Entrepreneurship and Production in High Wage Economies
Description: The relationship between entrepreneurship and production in high wage economies is a new and highly relevant research topic, which is why the summer school targets mainly PhD students. During the summer school you will be introduced to, work with and reflect on various elements in entrepreneurship and production. With a starting point in entrepreneurship, we will work with your skills as an academic and innovator, and frame innovation from a wide perspective on value creation. This course will develop your skills in opportunity recognition and explore ways of turning research into innovations and new startup companies. Another objective of the school is to motivate new research, to identify new research themes and strategic research directions.
Participants will receive a list of required readings in order to prepare for the interactive discussions during the summer school. The final deliverable of the summer school will be a paper summarizing the key insights from the summer school within the context of each participant’s research project. The paper should be submitted not more than one week after the completion of the summer school. All AAU participants who have submitted their final paper will receive a certificate of completion indicating the courses taken and the amount of 2 ECTS points corresponding to the workload.
Learning outcomes
After the completion of the summer school, the participants will be able to:
- Conceptualize innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills as conversational skills focusing on enabling the adoption of new practices by specific communities
- Describe different business model frameworks and select a specific one depending on the nature of a business and its product innovation characteristics
- Articulate value propositions by using a wide lens approach to value creation and value blueprints including the aspects of value related to keeping the production in high wage countries
- Describe key research directions focusing on entrepreneurial opportunities
- Identify new business opportunities and translating them into attractive value propositions and business models
- Describing the typical lifecycle phases and the challenges of creating a new science and technology-based company having its key production facilities in a high wage country
- Dialogize with industry representatives in a way that could generate new research insights focusing on exploring opportunities for being both competitive and keeping the production in a high wage country
- Identify key insights for industry and academic leaders interested in the key topic of the summer school.
Organizers: Locally at AAU; Morten Dahlgaard at mda@adm.aau.dk or 99407595. At SDU; TEK Innovation, Søren Elmer Kristensen at sek@tek.sdu.dk
Lecturers: The Summer school is facilitated by researchers from the Innovation and Design Engineering (IDE) Section at the Faculty of Engineering at SDU, in collaboration with external experts. The program is designed and implemented by the IDE Section which is involved in the educational and research activities associated with two academic programs - Product Development and Innovation, and Innovation and Business.
Time: June 6-10, 2016 – full days
Place: Cortex Park, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
Deadline: 3 June
Cost: 1.500kr.(not including travel and accommodation)
More info and program: http://nordtek.net/event/nordtek-entrepreneurship-summer-school/
- Teacher: Morten Dahlgaard