Welcome to Synergies, Conflicts and Trade-offs in Climate Change Planning


COP21 in Paris is underway. Negotiations are progressing, albeit slowly, and regardless of whether or not a new international agreement on climate change will be reached, we face a future in which urgent, serious and widespread action in respect to mitigation and adaptation is necessary. Presently, global warming has reached the 1°C mark above pre-industrial levels, corresponding to 0.75°C above average 1951-1980 temperatures (NASA, 2015). Even with current (as of  Dec. 7 2015) pledges (INDCs), we will likely reach two degrees warming before 2050 and 3.5 degrees before the end of the century (ClimateInteractive, 2015)


The organisers of this workshop, funded through the Norden Top-Level Research Initiative “Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change”, welcome original contributions that draw upon both theoretical and empirical work in respect to climate change planning, combining knowledge and practice from the natural, social, and technical sciences. Of particular interest are specific examples of how inter-disciplinary research and practice can contribute to a better understanding of climate change planning within the urban context of cities and city regions in the Nordics.

Thematically, the workshop will address two main issues:

First, what are the sustainability merits of different urban adaptation strategies within a Nordic context? This includes the need for - and efficiency of - measures for adaptation to climate change in different urban planning contexts; and the compatibility, need and efficiency of such measures with likely and relevant mitigation strategies.

Second, what are the conditions for implementing sustainable mitigation and/or adaptation strategies? This could be explored, for example, by comparing actually pursued adaptation policies in the Nordic countries with those identified as theoretically the most appropriate in their respective contexts. Additionally, authors are encouraged to discuss the ethical implications of different adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban planning, with a particularly focus on the needs of vulnerable population groups, and an investigation of obstacles and conditions conducive to sustainable and equitable adaptation.

A main aim of the workshop is to discuss the draft papers, each originally written from the perspective of a particular discipline or bundle of disciplines, in the light of the (expectedly) multiple disciplines represented by workshop participants. During the workshop, participants will be therefor be asked to present their own research as well as to comment and critique on that of their peers. The final papers will address and attempt to resolve any contradictions between the different contributions. The aim is to produce an anthology or a journal special issue that is not merely a collection of articles but provides a coherent and mutually consistent coverage of interdisciplinary research in urban climate change planning in the Nordic region.


Where: Aalborg University-Copenhagen, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, København SV, room ACM15 6.043

When: 15-19 February 2016

Who: 10-15 doctoral and post-doctoral fellows plus Network members.

What: A research seminar, which will provide space for detailed feedback on draft chapters that will comprise a new anthology or special edition (journal) aimed at scholars, students, and practitioners in the field of urban climate change planning.


Two articles/chapters per lecture intended; additional literature expected to include 2-4 articles per lecture.

Tentative Workshop Outline

Day 1 – Martin Lehmann, Andy Gouldson, Anja Wejs & Patrick Driscoll

Future Climate Scenarios – impacts on cities (ML, AG); Governance and Planning for Climate Change (AW/ML); forecasting/back-casting (AG, PD, ML)

Day 2 – Patrick Driscoll, Anja Wejs, Martin Lehmann / Andy Gouldsontbc

Scenario Building Exercises for Case Cities (C40) (PD, ML, AW, AG?)

Day 3 – Petter Næss, Patrick Driscoll & Anja Wejs

Climate Impacts of/from cities (PN), presentation of various cities (CPH, PDX, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, possibly link to other, smaller cities) + PhD presentations (PN, PD, AW)

Day 4 – Berth Danermark & Petter Næss

Synergies, conflicts, inter-disciplinarity in climate change adaptation (BD), Adaptation & Mitigation in urban development (PN) + PhD presentations

Day 5 – Petter Næss, Martin Lehmann & Berth Dannermark

PhD Presentations, panel debate (linking to sustainable development), summarizing


Key deadlines

4 January 2016 – Deadline for registration

11 January 2016 - Draft papers submitted for review (7000-8000 words)

1 February 2016 - Reviewed papers returned to authors

15 – 19 February 2016 - Ph.D. workshop to be held at Aalborg University-Copenhagen

Organizer: Associate Professor Martin Lehmann (Aalborg University, Denmark), e-mail: martinl@plan.aau.dk

Co-organizers: Professor Netter Næss (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway), Professor Berth Danermark (Örebro University, Sweden)
Lecturers: Martin Lehmann (ML), Petter Næss (PN), Berth Danermark BD), Patrick Driscoll (PD), Andy Gouldson (AG), Anja Wejs (AW)

ECTS: 5.0

Time: February 15-19, 2016

Place: Aalborg University, Copenhagen, A.C Meyers Vænge 15, room ACM15 6.043

Zip code: 2450

City: Copenhagen SV

Number of seats: 20

Deadline: January 20, 2016

Important information concerning PhD courses:

We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 5,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.