Results from the natural sciences in general, and from mathematics and statistics in particular, have always been of great importance to engineering and medical science. The need for mathematical and statistical tools used for decision support in research appears to be increasing, and such tools can provide potentially faster problem solving and direct access to advanced mathematics and statistics for researchers.
The Doctoral School of Engineering and Science is therefore offering a mathematical and statistical consultancy for PhD students at the Faculty of Engineering and Science and the Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University. PhD students should direct their questions to the contact person below, who will provide contact to a qualified mathematician/statistician in the specific area. If the PhD student already has access to a mathematician/statistician they can also address their questions directly to him/her. The necessary time needed for sufficient help will be estimated beforehand. The PhD student should obtain the necessary funding for the consultancy from their own department.
Approximately one month processing time must be expected.
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Telephone: (+45) 9940 8863
- Teacher: Kristian Østergaard Sørensen