The course is organized by the Doctoral School of Engineering And Science, Aalborg University and Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment (DCEA), in collaboration with the International Life Cycle Academy (ILCA)

The course begins with an introduction to advanced inventory modelling using the techniques of consequential LCA and input-output (IO) LCA. The students will apply algorithms for performing consequential LCA in the definition of functional unit, consumption mix, and identification of determining and dependent co-products. Then, the students will use IO LCA to create inventories combining monetary and biophysical flows, and learn how to this technique is applicable to a range of purposes from mass-flow analysis to life cycle costing. The course will continue by bringing the above mentioned theories further into practice on two specific cases: modelling of indirect Land Use Changes (iLUC) and socio-economic impacts. The course targets the development of advanced competences in LCA by applying the problem based-learning (PBL) teaching method. The course aims at strengthening skills in life cycle inventory analysis. Following the PBL model that focuses on learning by doing and reflection, the course activities will include intensive group work, problem defining and solving applied to real-word cases, practical exercises, and discussion sessions. The course includes five days of full-time activities (09:00-16:00). When including readings and group work assignments, the total course workload corresponds to 5 ECTS (1 ETCS = 25 hours of work for the student). Optionally, participants can choose to write a paper based on their PhD project and combining the know-how developed during the course, and receive professional guidance from the course lecturers, based on distance supervision. The submission of the paper will have deadline 6 weeks after the last day of the course. Choosing this option will correspond to obtaining additional 3 ECTS.

Day 1-2: Consequential modelling in life cycle inventory (BW, JS, SL, MP)
Day 3: Input-output modelling: the basics, hybrid LCA, IO-based mass flow analysis (BW, JC, SL, MP)
Day 4: Modelling of indirect land use change (BW, JS, SL, MP)
Day 5: Social LCA (BW, SL)

Bo Weidema (BW), Professor
Jannick Schmidt (JS), Associate Professor
Søren Løkke (SL), Associate professor
Massimo Pizzol (MP), Assistant professor

Registration and info
Please contact the course organizer Massimo Pizzol, email:

Period: 22-26 June, 2015

Venue: Aalborg University, Skibbrogade 5, room Skb5 1C/12, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Number of seats: 25

Registration deadline: 1 June, 2015

Course fee
Attendee Price 5 ECTS** [Price incl. paper writing 5+3 ECTS**]
PhD students (non-Danish) 3.000 DKK (400 EUR) [4.500 (600 EUR)]
PhD students (Danish)* 1.125 DKK (150 EUR) [1.125 DKK (150 EUR)]
Professionals 15.000 DKK (2.000 EUR) [22.500 DKK (3.000 EUR)]

* Due to a treaty among Danish universities, there is no admission fee for PhD students affiliated to a Danish institution– only course material and meals supplied during the course are charged.
** Accommodation, breakfast, and dinner are not included. Social dinner Monday is included.

Payment method
Bank transfer paid to the following account (deadline two weeks prior to course start):

Bank: Danske Bank, Prinsensgade 11, 9000 Aalborg
Account No: 4368-9189629
IBAN No: DK6730000009189629
Payment to Aalborg University, Skibbrogade 5, DK-9000 Aalborg
Reference: Your name and course name/10-212025-64301-762001-76262