Description: The PhD course provides an introduction to the growing research area of 5G communications with a focus on the error correcting and erasure correcting codes necessary to support the various services. 5G systems shall bring a more holistic view on the storage and transport of the data within the network in order to address a series of key future challenges, including, extremely low delay (in the order of milliseconds), massive number of connected (heterogeneous) devices and traffic loads. In the light of 5G communications, both the requirements and potential of codes are growing. The goal of codes in 5G is not only to provide reliability to transmitted data, but it should also be compatible with the natural heterogeneity of the connected systems, the stringent delay requirements of some applications, and even storage systems. Thus, the course provides a modern perspective on coding theory and its applications.

The PhD course is divided into three parts. The first part provides the participants with key background into traditional coding approaches, e.g., Minimum Distance Separable (MDS) codes, and modern error correcting codes, e.g., Turbo codes and LDPC, which are widely used for physical layer communications and focusing on state of the art results. The second part of the course will focus on the theory and algorithms behind rateless codes, including, LT codes, Raptor codes, and network coding, which are coding techniques usually incorporated at higher layers of the protocol stack. Finally, the course discusses key applications and implementation details in real-world systems and its impact into 5G designs.

Grading is based on problem sets, solved partially in class to motivate student participation and to reinforce key concepts through meaningful examples after class. Another part of the grading process includes practical implementation or theoretical projects that are delivered 2 weeks after the last days of lecture. Evaluation is based on a report describing the outcomes of the project. Timeline for the course: 3 full days of lectures and in-class exercises from 8h30 to 17h30 and one half-day from 8h30 to 13h00.

Key literature:
1) T. Richardson, R. Urbanke, “Modern Coding Theory,” Cambridge University Press, 2008
2) Van Lint, J. H. Introduction to Coding Theory. 3rd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1999
3) F. H. P. Fitzek, D. Lucani, M. Pedersen, J. Heide, M. Medard, “Network Coding: From Theory to Practice,” Wiley, 2015
Organizer: Assoc. Prof. Daniel E. Lucani (

Lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Daniel E. Lucani, APNET, Assoc. Prof. Hans Ebert, APNET, Post-Doc. Morten V. Pedersen, and Prof. Frank H. P. Fitzek, Department of Electronic Systems, APNET

ECTS: 2.5

Time: 26-29 May, 2015

Place: Aalborg University,

Zip code: 9220

City: Aalborg

Number of seats: 40

Deadline: 20 May, 2015