The main objective of this course is to learn about the grid converter topologies and control in the areas of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems which account for the vast majority of renewable energy grid integration worldwide.The main reference of this book is the book Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems, by Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre and Pedro Rodriguez, Wiley 2011. The new grid requirements for connecting Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems are calling for more controllability and grid support during faults and therefore in this course we are explaining how synchronization, current control and power injection have to be adapted in order to act in both positive and negative sequence components. Synchronization and monitoring in both single-phase and three-phase systems will be covered in details and advanced methods able to deal with distorted grid or grid faults are introduced. Many original developments are introduced in areas like: topologies for PV inverters, current control and harmonic compensation using resonant controllers, grid filter design and stability impact, robust monitoring and synchronization methods able to accurately track the positive sequence, control structures in synchronous and stationary coordinate frames able to control both positive and negative current sequence and finally power injection strategies during faults The strongest feature of the course is its practicality. Real control design including current control with PI and PRES controllers, harmonic compensation, active damping and control under faults is done first using MATLAB-SISO Tool and later implemented and tested in real grid converters controlled by dSPACE in Green Power Laboratory where participants will spend no less than 40% of the course time. The main structure of the course is: Day 1: PV and WT Systems Overview, PV and Wind Power Grid Requirements and Grid Inverters Structure and Control Day 2: Current and Voltage Control of Grid Converter, Harmonic Compensation, Grid Filter Design and Stability of the Current Control, Active Damping Methods for LCL Filter Inverters Day 3: Grid Monitoring and Synchronization in Single-Phase and Three-Phase Systems, Control of Grid Converters under Grid Faults
Prerequisites: Basic experience in Matlab/Simulink and PLECS
Fee: the fee is 10.000 DKK for industry people, 7.000 DKK for PhD students or academics outside of Denmark and 2000 DKK for PhD students in Denmark. The fee includes coffee, lunch for all days, gala dinner, copy of slides and the book: ‘’Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems’’ published by Wiley 2011.
Organizer: Prof. Remus Teodorescu, Aalborg University.
Lecturers: Prof. Remus Teodorescu, Aalborg University, Assoc.Prof. Tamas Kerekes, Aalborg University og Prof. Pedro Rodriguez, Abengoa Research
Time: 8-10 September, 2014
Place: Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 30
Deadline: 18 August, 2014
- Teacher: Tamas Kerekes
- Teacher: Remus Teodorescu