Description: This PhD course is an annual course offered by “Dansk Hæmatologisk Forskerskole Netværk” and provided by the Doctoral School of Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Aalborg University, spring 2014.
Criteria for participation: Enrolled in a PhD programme at a Danish University
Evaluation: To pass the course, it is expected that the participants will attend all lectures, participate in discussion of a priori given highly selected articles on the course topic and present the status of her/his PhD project including hypothesis, aims, findings and conclusions.
Contents: Lectures, journal discussions and student presentations.
Language: English
Organizer: Professor MSO Karen Dybkær ( ) Aalborg University Hospital and Chief Molecular Biologist Niels Pallisgaard, Vejle Hospital, University of Southern Denmark.
ECTS: 1.2
Time: 13-14 March, 2014
Place: Hindsgavl Kursuscenter, Hindsgavl Alle 7, DK-5500 Middelfart, tel. +45 6441 8800, e-mail:
Zip code: 5500
City: Middelfart
Number of seats: 18
Deadline: 18 February, 2014