
This is the nineteenth annual international Ph.D. course on the translational neurobiology of the pain system. The purpose of the course is to give an introduction to different aspects of the neurobiology of the pain system and to initiate new co-operation in interdisciplinary pain research. This year the course will focus on hyperalgesia. Specifically on localized and spreading hyperalgesia in different tissues and how it may be assessed. Furthermore, animal and human models of superficial and deep-tissue hyperalgesia will be presented. Clinical and experimental studies on the topics will be presented.
The course is arranged over two days, and half of the participants are invited from different international laboratories. The lectures will be provided by staff from Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (Aalborg University) and by invited international key scientists within the area.
Selected papers and book chapters will be announced to the participants shortly before the course.
A basic understanding of pain mechanisms, for update see Textbook of Pain, 5th edition, Section 1: Neurobiology of Pain.
The course will end with a multiple choice evaluation with questions related to all topics of the course.

Organizer: Professor Thomas Graven-Nielsen, e-mail:, Professor Lars Arendt-Nielsen,

Lecturers: Invited internal and external speakers

ECTS: 1.0

Time: 27 and 28 November 2014 (09.00-17.00)

Place: Aalborg University,

Fredrik Bajers Vej 7B, lokale B2-109

Zip code:

City: Aalborg

Number of seats:

Deadline: 6 November, 2014