Description: Reliability is a very important issue for wind turbines. Reliability is important both for estimating failure rates and probabilities for different components and members in structures, and for planning optimal operation and maintenance. In traditional deterministic code-based design the structural costs are influenced by the value of the safety factors. These reflect the uncertainty related to the design parameters. Improved design with a consistent reliability level for all components can be obtained by use of probabilistic reliability-based design methods, where explicit account of uncertainties related to loads, material strength, and calculation methods is made.
The course will include the following topics:
• Introduction to risk and reliability analysis
• Stochastic modeling of uncertainties and failure rates, incl. Bayesian techniques
• Reliability analysis of electrical and mechanical components
• Reliability analysis of structural members by FORM/SORM and simulation methods
• Reliability assessment using theoretical models in combination with information from tests
• Methods for reliability analysis of wind turbines
Basic knowledge on probability theory and statistics.
Organizer: John Dalsgaard Sørensen, Professor, Aalborg University,
Lecturers: John Dalsgaard Sørensen, Professor, Aalborg University,
Henrik Stensgaard Toft, Ass. Professor, Aalborg University and Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen, Ass. Professor, Aalborg University
Time: 8-10 December, 2014
Place: Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats:
Deadline: 17 November, 2014
- Teacher: Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen
- Teacher: John Dalsgaard Sørensen