Description: Power systems are constantly subjected to disturbances and switching actions. These actions can be a normal connection/disconnection of a load, a line or a transformer, the opening of faulted areas after a short circuit, the incidence of lightning strokes on the power system among many other possible cases. These events are known as electromagnetic transients and have a short duration in the range of micro-/milliseconds.
Even being short duration phenomena, electromagnetic transients are of fundamental importance, as the system is subjected high currents and voltages of very high frequency during those micro-/milliseconds, which may damage the electrical equipment.
The participants in the course will learn how to recognise and analyse several electromagnetic transients. Different transient phenomena are to be explored through the use of examples together with the respective theoretical explanations.
One of the main focus areas of the course is in the use of software tools to the simulation of transients for different frequency ranges. To achieve this objective EMTDC/PSCAD, which will be introduced during the course, will be used.
• Basic concepts and lumped parameter models;
• Introduction to the software;
• Capacitor banks and basic switching operations;
• Influence of improper simulation settings on the results;
• Travelling waves theory;
• HVAC underground cables and related transient phenomena;
• Transformers: Inrush currents and resonances;
• Lightning;
• Interruption of inductive loads;
• Short-circuits and transient recovery voltages: differences between overhead lines and underground cables;
Modelling of the network for the simulation of electromagnetic transients;
Organizer: Assistant Professor Filipe Faria da Silva, – Aalborg University
Lecturers: Assistant Professor Filipe Faria da Silva, – Aalborg University
Time: 22 – 24 October, 2014
Place: Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 30
Deadline: 1 October, 2014
- Teacher: Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva