Description: The course will give a thorough training in the state of the art within the area of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety. An introduction will be given to recent research within the field.
The training will primarily address industrial equipment and large systems like power network, but components will also be covered.
The lectures will be combined with exercises to train the participants in how to apply the theory to actual problems.
Day 1:
• Statistical distributions and statistical tests.
• Reliability, availability and maintainability measures, International definitions according to IEC 60050-191
• Exercises in calculation of reliability measures, including confidence limits
• The Weibull distribution
• Exercise in the Weibull distribution, analyzing a test
Day 2:
• Analysis of data from the field (FRACAS- MCF, M(t))
• Analysis of MCF curves
• System reliability, availability and safety redundancy. Global and local time, Maintenance
• Exercise in system reliability and redundancy
• Load - Strength theory - rating and derating, Mechanical reliability
• Exercise in Load - Strength theory
Day 3:
• Analysis methods - FMEA, FTA, Markov, Petri Net, Event trees.
• Exercise in FMEA and FTA
• Component reliability and screening
• Software reliability
• Exercise in Software reliability
• The experts’ interaction with project teams and their decision process. Examples from the Space Shuttle
Organizer: Professor Frede Blaabjerg,, Aalborg University
Lecturers: Valter Loll - Loll - Consult
Time: 28 – 30 April, 2014
Place: Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 30
Deadline: 7 April, 2014
- Teacher: Frede Blaabjerg
- Teacher: Huai Wang