Description: Power electronic devices used as interfaces for generation, consumption and control purposes are in a rapid growth at both transmission and distribution level. Such devices inherently possess a non-sinusoidal behavior and together with other power system components, we can foresee an increased tendency towards harmonic voltage/current related non-wanted operation conditions for the power system of the future.
This course will address topics such as:
• State-of-the art for harmonics in power systems
• Harmonic generation from next generation power electronics
• Today’s most promising methods to analyze power system harmonics
• Harmonic resonance phenomena in power systems
• Harmonic stability for the future power system
• Control and mitigation methods for solving harmonic voltage/current issues
• Recommendations for research progress in power system harmonics
The lectures will be given by Professor Neville R. Watson, who is a highly reputed expert in power system harmonics and power electronics in power systems, see
Prerequisites: Basics of circuit theory, electro physics and power system analysis.
Organizer: Professor Claus Leth Bak, – Aalborg University
Lecturers: Professor Neville R. Watson, University of Canterbury, NZ
Time: Monday 14th April 2014 at 9:00 - Wednesday 16th April 2014 at 16:00.
Place: Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 60
Deadline: 1 April, 2014
- Teacher: Claus Leth Bak