This course is organised in collaboration with NIVA and enrolment should be done through NIVA's webpage:
It is difficult to delevlop production processes that at the same time are socially, healthy and economically viable in the long run. When acchieved, such production processes can be called ‘sustainable’ - sustainable in the sence that products or services are competitive and socially accepted and employees are innovative and healthy also when they get of age. The application of lean can open possibilities for the practical development of sustainable processes. Lean is widely applied in manufacturing industry and getting a growing importance in private and public service industry. Even though the concept is well developed, the practical implementation is difficult for many organisations, and lean has a somewhat tainted reputation among employees as a cause of increased stress. It is at the same time a strong tool for insight into core activities and subsequent proces improvements. Implemented in the right way under the right conditions, lean may thereby function as tool for developing sustainable production processes.
• business and employee interests in sustainable production processes and lean
• enablers and barrierer for implementation of sustainable production and lean
• why is lean still alive a after 25 years
• the lean concept and associated tools
• lean and the health of employees
• the concept of sustainable production
• employee based development of sustainable production processes
• social capital and collaboration as prerequisites for employee participation
• lean as a tool in development sustainable production processes
• analysis of core tasks and processes – the possible impacts on productivity and health
• role of lean and sustainable production processes in students research projects
• students understand the concept of sustainabel production processes
• students understand the lean concept and the advantages and disadvantages of lean
• students understand how lean can be used in the development of sustainable production processes
• students are able to relate lean and sustainable production processes to their own research projects
Target group
• phd-students working with lean, sustainable production, organisational development, operations management, innovation, human resource management, working environment
Duration and form
4 days with problem based learning. Mix of lectures and students discussion of the role of lean and sustainable production processes in their research projects.
Organizer: Peter Hasle, professor, CIP AAU Copenhagen,, Ole Henning Sørensen, associate professor, CIP AAU Copenhagen and Anders Paarup Nielsen, associate professor, CIP AAU Copenhagen
Lecturers: Jörgen Winkel, professor, Göteborg University, Sweden
This course is organised in collaboration with NIVA and enrolment should be done through NIVA's webpage:
Please observe that PhD students from Aalborg University have the possibility of reimbursement of course expenses. (Please contact course organizer, Peter Hasle)
Time: 18-21 November, 2014
Place: a conference center in Denmark
Zip code:
Number of seats:
Deadline: 14 November, 2014