Description: The course combines state of the art LCA with PBL-learning.
The students have the option of writing a paper based on their specific PhD projects combined with the knowhow they develop during the course.
Day 1-2: Consequential modeling in life cycle inventory
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke, Assistant professor Massimo Pizzol
Day 3: Input-output modeling (the basics, hybrid LCA, IO-based mass flow analysis and waste accounts)
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke, Assistant professor Massimo Pizzol
Day 4: Modeling of indirect land use change (iLUC)
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke, Assistant professor Massimo Pizzol
Day 5: Social LCA. Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Søren Løkke
Organizer: Søren Løkke, email:
Lecturers: Søren Løkke, Jannick Schmidt, Bo Weidema, and Massimo Pizzol
The course has five days with face-to-face teaching, dialogue, and problem solving, this corresponds to 5 ECTS. Optionally, participants can choose to write a paper based on own case and learning from the course, and receive professional guidance based on distance supervision. The submission of the paper will have deadline 6 weeks after the first day of the course. This corresponds to additional 3 ECTS.
Course fee and practicalities:
Attendee | Price 5 ECTS** | Price (incl paper writing) 5+3 ECTS** |
PhD students (non-Danish)* | 3.000 DKK (400 EUR) | 4.500 (600 EUR) |
PhD students (Danish)* | 1125 DKK (150 EUR) | 1125 DKK (150 EUR) |
Professionals | 15.000 DKK (2000 EUR) | 22.500 DKK (3000 EUR) |
* Due to a treaty among Danish universities, there is no admission fee for Danish PhD students – only course material and meals supplied during the course are charged.
** Accommodation, breakfast, and dinner are not included. Social dinner Monday is included.
Please pay to the following account:
Bank: Danske Bank, Algade 53, 9000 Aalborg
Account No: 3201-9189629
IBAN No: DK6730000009189629
Payment to Aalborg Unversity, Skibbrogade 5, DK-9000 Aalborg
Reference: Your name and course name/10-212025-64301-762001-76262
Organizer: Søren Løkke, email:
Lecturers: Søren Løkke, Bo Weidema, Jannick Schmidt, Massimo Pizzol
ECTS: 5 or 8 (please find more information at the top)
Time: 16-20 June, 2014
Place: Aalborg University, Aalborg city Centre, Skibbrogade 5, room C1/12
Zip code: 9000
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 25
Deadline: 26 May, 2014
- Teacher: Søren Løkke
- Teacher: Massimo Pizzol
- Teacher: Jannick Schmidt