Welcome to Advanced Qualitative Methods for User and Consumer Research 2024

    Description: This course will outline theory and practice of qualitative research. The entire course will have a very applied approach towards qualitative studies. A variety of methodological approaches will be introduced and a special focus will be within: 1. How to implement validity and reliability in qualitative studies. 2. How to implement Mixed Methods. 3. How to analyze and visualize qualitative data. Further, there will be outlined new methods/ approaches within qualitative studies; including very specific tools and methods for conceptualizing the design, data collection, data analysis and reporting.

    Course content: The course will present new methods and the underlying theories such as a general understanding of interviews, ethnographic methods, probes, customer journey, interactive sessions, card sorting, projective techniques, ethical considerations, data analysis with use of software. Further, there will be structured elements for improving validity and reliability within qualitative studies. The participants will work with own cases during the PhD course, and will use relevant qualitative research methods. The practical approach will be included by some hands-on interviews/ observations, and data analysis.

    Format: Lectures with presentation of different methodological overviews (50%). Participant presentations with added theoretical and practical discussions (25%). Workshop where participants will work in groups e.g. with using observational methods. The groups set-up own theoretical focus (25 %).

    The examination consists of three parts: 1. Participation all three days. 2. Participation and presentation based on assigned interview and observation task (in groups). 3. A presentation linked to your current PhD project. The presentation must somehow have a focus within qualitative/ mixed methods research. The focus can be within empirical data, ethical issues, and theoretical or even more abstract methodological questions. Your presentation should include a specific question/ problem you would like for discussion/advice. The duration of the presentation must NOT exceed 10 minutes. There will be approximately 15 minutes for discussion. The presentation will take place in minor groups of 4-5 participants. The exam ends with pass or no-pass.

    Mandatory readings: 

    A: Bjørner, T. ed. (2015). Qualitative Methods for Consumer Research: The Value of the Qualitative Approach in Theory and Practice. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Pp. 11-112. Buy at Saxo, Hans Reitzel, Amazon, Factum Books or other book stores. 

    B: Bjørner, T., Korsgaard, D., Reinbach, H. C., & Perez-Cueto, F. J. (2018). A contextual identification of home-living older adults' positive mealtime practices: A honeycomb model as a framework for joyful aging and the importance of social factors. Appetite129, 125-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2018.07.005

    C: MacPhail, C., Khoza, N., Abler, L., & Ranganathan, M. (2016). Process guidelines for establishing Intercoder Reliability in qualitative studies. Qualitative Research16(2), 198-212. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794115577012

    D. O’Brien, B. C., Harris, I. B., Beckman, T. J., Reed, D. A., & Cook, D. A. (2014). Standards for reporting qualitative research: a synthesis of recommendations. Academic Medicine89(9), 1245-1251. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24979285/

    E: Bjørner, T., & Schrøder, M. (2019). Advantages and challenges of using mobile ethnography in a hospital case study: WhatsApp as a method to identify perceptions and practices. Qualitative Research in Medicine and Healthcare3(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/qrmh.2019.7795

    Organizer: Associate Professor Thomas Bjørner, email: tbj@create.aau.dk

    Lecturers: Associate Professor Thomas Bjørner (AAU), 

    ECTS: 4.0

    Time: 19 - 20 November 2024

    Place: ONLY onsite: Aalborg University Copenhagen, A.C. Meyersvaenge 15 (A) room 2.1.083, 2450 Copenhagen SV.  

    City: Copenhagen

    Zip Code: 2450

    Number of seats: 20

    Deadline: 29 October 2024

    Important information concerning PhD courses: We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 3,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.

    For inquiries regarding registration, cancellation or waiting list, please contact the PhD administration, aauphd@adm.aau.dk