Description: The course will be the latest research outcomes of the Center of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE). Since 2013, more than 250 participants from universities and companies have been trained in this 3-day course. By considering the feedbacks from participants and newly obtained research results from CORPE in the last few years, the 2023 version of the course will be 4 days focusing on failure mechanisms and degradation models of active power devices and capacitors, system-level reliability assessment and design tools, and reliability testing methods.

The course will have the following five main parts:
·       Introduction to modern reliability and robustness approach
·       Reliability testing methods and testing data analysis
·       Long-term wear out and single-event abnormal operation of active power modules and capacitors
·       Design tools and reliability analysis of power electronic systems
·       Condition monitoring and operation optimization of power electronic components and converters 

Prerequisites:  Basic understanding of power electronics, power semiconductor devices, capacitors, and basic statistics. 

Form of evaluation: Case study exercise and report submission

Organizer:     Professor Huai Wang,

Lecturers:      Reliability Consultant Peter de Place Rimmen, Denmark
Prof. Huai Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. Francesco Iannuzzo, Aalborg University, Denmark
Associate Prof. Dao Zhou, Aalborg University, Denmark
Assistant Prof. Ariya Sangwongwanich, Aalborg University, Denmark
Postdoc Yi Zhang, Aalborg University, Denmark
Postdoc Shuai Zhao, Aalborg University, Denmark

ECTS:               4

Date/Time:  December 11-14, 2023

Deadline      20 November

Price:               6000 DKK for PhD students outside of Denmark and 8000 DKK for the Industry excl. VAT
The Danish universities have entered into an agreement that allows PhD students at a Danish university (except Copenhagen Business School) the opportunity to free of charge take a subject-specific course at another Danish university. Guests at AAU Energy can free attend the course. 

Payment:       A Online link will be annonced after deadline for registration

Place:              AAU Energy, Aalborg

Max no. of participants: 40