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Course: Microscopy and Spectroscopy Characterization Methods
Organiser: Dr. Vladimir Popok, e-mail:
Lecturers: Vladimir Popok, MP; Peter Fojan, MP; Leonid Gurevich, MP; Lars Diekhöner, MP; Mikael Larsen, MP; Lars Rosgaard Jensen, MP; Esben Skovsen, MP; Reinhard Wimmer, BIO.
ECTS: 3.0
Time: week 34 (21-25 August) 2023
Place: Aalborg University: Skjernvej 4A, Fibigerstræde 14, Fredrik Bajers vej 7
Number of seats: 15
Deadline: 31 July 2023
Description: Characterization methods are important for many applied oriented projects. In this course, principles of operation and applicability of several microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to investigation of different materials including bio- and nanoscale objects will be overviewed. The course is developed at a level suitable for the participants with different background (physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, mechanical/materials/electronic engineering and similar). Essential part of the course will be hands-on training using particular microscopy and spectroscopy tools. The participants can prioritise up to 3 methods of interest for the hands-on training. The course is divided into six themes.
Theme 1: Electron and X-ray diffraction (L. Diekhöner)
- Brief summary of crystal structure and reciprocal lattice;
- Short theoretical background on wave diffraction and crystal structure determination;
- Principles and examples of experimental diffraction techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED);
- Hands-on training.
Theme 2: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray microanalysis (L. Gurevich, M. Larsen)
- Physical background: Interaction of electromagnetic radiation and electrons with matter. Physical techniques for elemental analysis;
- SEM, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD): Interaction of electrons with matter, image formation, hardware;
- Selected applications: environmental SEM and life science applications;
- Hands-on training.
Theme 3: Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) (V. Popok and P. Fojan)
- Short historical introduction about invention of different SPM modes;
- Principles and technical realisation of atomic force microscopy (AFM);
- Advanced (electric, magnetic, etc.) SPM modes;
- Hands-on training in AFM.
Theme 4: Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy (L.R. Jensen)
- Introduction to IR absorption, Rayleigh and Raman scattering;
- Instrumentation in Fourie transform IR and Raman spectroscopy;
- Applications;
- Hands-on training.
Theme 5: Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy (E. Skovsen)
- Introduction to terahertz spectroscopy;
- Time-domain THz spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and applications of THz-TDS;
- Frequency-domain THz spectroscopy (THz-FDS) and applications of THz-FDS;
- Brief introduction to THz imaging;
- Hands-on training.
Theme 6: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (R. Wimmer)
- Short theoretical background of NMR;
- Information content of NMR spectra;
- Different types of NMR spectra and limitations;
- Cases;
- Hands-on training.
Payment: Registration fee for Danish PhD students = DKK 0
Registration fee for non-Danish PhD students is EUR 800. Registration fee for other participants is EUR 1067.
Reception, city walk and excursion are also free of charge.
All participants must pay for catering - see the link to payment below:
Please remember to sign up below and also pay for the catering at the link above.
- Teacher: Lars Diekhöner
- Teacher: Peter Fojan
- Teacher: Leonid Gurevich
- Teacher: Lars Rosgaard Jensen
- Teacher: Mikael Larsen
- Teacher: Vladimir Popok
- Teacher: Esben Skovsen
- Teacher: Reinhard Wimmer