Welcome to Health Scientific Information Searching: Hands-on training and methods for conducting a systematic search
This course is aimed at doctoral students and researchers within health science. You will be introduced to methods, techniques, and tools relevant for searching, evaluating, and organizing literature. During the course, you will learn how to design a search strategy and to conduct and document a systematic search.
The course will cover these essential areas:
· Health scientific information search: How to use tools like PICO to formulate structured search queries for use in bibliographic databases such as PubMed and Embase. How to choose the right databases for your research question. Training in PubMed and Embase using structured queries with the MeSH and EMTREE tools. Focus will be on your own research question.
· Documentation and organization of search results: How to document the search and make it transparent to others by using the PRISMA flow diagram. You will be introduced to systems that can facilitate the process of organizing, screening, and handling references from multiple databases and sources.
· Making reviews: How we make sure that the search is exhaustive and as relevant as possible and meets the requirements of different types of reviews.
· Additional
search methods: How to improve or supplement your search by using other
search methods. You will be introduced to known methods such as citation
searching but also to more recent methods such as text mining tools.
The course is a “toolbox for research”-course with a
mix of presentations and hands-on training. You can either work individually
focusing on your own PhD-project, or in small groups with a shared focus.
Preparation before the course: Some reading previous to the course should be expected.
Exercises: There will be both class exercises and a home assignment. The home assignment is introduced during the course. You are required to finish the home assignment at home and return it by a specific date.
Accommodation: There will be coffee and tea during the day. However, you will have to bring your own lunch. Alternatively, you can buy food at the canteen at Kroghstræde 3.
Course language: English
Important: Remember to bring your computer
Organizer: Pernille Skou Gaardsted, librarian, M.Li.Sc. e-mail: psg@rn.dk and Sabine Dreier, librarian, M.Li.Sc e-mail: sd@aub.aau.dk
Lecturers: Pernille Skou Gaardsted, librarian, M.Li.Sc. e-mail: psg@rn.dk; Sabine Dreier librarian, M.Li.Sc. e-mail: sd@aub.aau.dk
Time: 4.5.2022
Number of seats: 20
- Teacher: Pernille Skou Gaardsted