May 26-28: Existential Health Care Communication and Phenomenology (2021)
Description: In this three days PhD-seminar we will focus on the phenomenological and existential dimensions of communication and search for meaning in health care professions and professions where the interhuman relations are central. For decades, professionals and researchers in health care and human-centered professions have called for a re-humanization in health, education and welfare. This has been described as responding to an unsettling tendency in these professions of feeling “out of tact with life” or “out of resonance” with the core values of their professions (Kitson et al. 2010; Galvin & Todres, 2013; Uhrenfeldt et al., 2018; Martinsen, 2018; Rosa, 2019; Hansen & Jørgensen, 2020).
Our approach to phenomenological research inquiring into the areas of existential communication, spiritual care and care ethics is threefold and described as a movement from an ontic, over an ontological, to a pre-ontological phenomenology. Existential Health Communication can also be understood as having these three phenomenological levels. In the PhD-course we will show how existential and spiritual care and communication have been approached from these three levels and how we in our research work to integrate these levels.
Basically, we will try to answer three questions through this triple perspective: 1) how can we understand the search for meaning in humancentered professions from the perspective of care ethics and spiritual care (Tronto 1993; Cobb, et al. 2012; Leget et al 2019); 2) How can we understand the existential dimensions in communication when health and well-being basically are understood as an “ontological homecoming” (Heidegger, 1995; Svenaeus, 2000; Todres & Galvin (2010), Ücok-Sayrak, 2019, Hansen & Jørgensen, 2020); and 3) how can we do phenomenological and action-oriented research (Halling et al, 1994; Dinkens & Hansen, 2016, Visse, Hansen & Leget, 2019, 2020) that specifically aims to create aesthetical, philosophical and spiritual spaces for a special kind of existential resonance (Rosa, 2019), wondrous listening (Nancy, 2002) and evocative writing (Van Manen & Van Manen, 2020) towards these existential, spiritual and ethical dimensions in caring and human-centered practices?
Organizer: Finn Thorbjørn Hansen
Lecturers: This PhD-course is arranged in a co-operation between the research environment on “Existential Health Communication” at the Centre for Dialogue and Organization, Department of Communication, University of Aalborg (Denmark) – and the Chair of Care Ethics at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
Time: 26-28 May 2021
Place: Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 20
Deadline: 05 May 2021
Description: In this three days PhD-seminar we will focus on the phenomenological and existential dimensions of communication and search for meaning in health care professions and professions where the interhuman relations are central. For decades, professionals and researchers in health care and human-centered professions have called for a re-humanization in health, education and welfare. This has been described as responding to an unsettling tendency in these professions of feeling “out of tact with life” or “out of resonance” with the core values of their professions (Kitson et al. 2010; Galvin & Todres, 2013; Uhrenfeldt et al., 2018; Martinsen, 2018; Rosa, 2019; Hansen & Jørgensen, 2020).
Our approach to phenomenological research inquiring into the areas of existential communication, spiritual care and care ethics is threefold and described as a movement from an ontic, over an ontological, to a pre-ontological phenomenology. Existential Health Communication can also be understood as having these three phenomenological levels. In the PhD-course we will show how existential and spiritual care and communication have been approached from these three levels and how we in our research work to integrate these levels.
Basically, we will try to answer three questions through this triple perspective: 1) how can we understand the search for meaning in humancentered professions from the perspective of care ethics and spiritual care (Tronto 1993; Cobb, et al. 2012; Leget et al 2019); 2) How can we understand the existential dimensions in communication when health and well-being basically are understood as an “ontological homecoming” (Heidegger, 1995; Svenaeus, 2000; Todres & Galvin (2010), Ücok-Sayrak, 2019, Hansen & Jørgensen, 2020); and 3) how can we do phenomenological and action-oriented research (Halling et al, 1994; Dinkens & Hansen, 2016, Visse, Hansen & Leget, 2019, 2020) that specifically aims to create aesthetical, philosophical and spiritual spaces for a special kind of existential resonance (Rosa, 2019), wondrous listening (Nancy, 2002) and evocative writing (Van Manen & Van Manen, 2020) towards these existential, spiritual and ethical dimensions in caring and human-centered practices?
Organizer: Finn Thorbjørn Hansen
Lecturers: This PhD-course is arranged in a co-operation between the research environment on “Existential Health Communication” at the Centre for Dialogue and Organization, Department of Communication, University of Aalborg (Denmark) – and the Chair of Care Ethics at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
Time: 26-28 May 2021
Place: Aalborg University
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 20
Deadline: 05 May 2021