Welcome to Productive Writing (2021) - Online course


PhD course where you can build writing competence and establish an efficient and collective writing practice. 

  • Take control over their writing process
  • Use basic writing tools to write efficiently
  • Share challenges and support each other
  • Build a collective writing community at AAU

Course structure & content

The course is structured as 5 workshops (9.00-12.00). At each workshop, new tools and approaches will be introduced and others will be repeated. Participants write individually for at least 1,5 hours (2X45 minutes) followed by reflections on the writing process in groups. Between the modules participants write reflections and read each other’s reflections. Themes and tools that will be taken up are:

  • Writing goals - how to make them specific
  • Speed writing and how to use it
  • Distinguish between different phases in the writing process
  • Utilise smaller spans of time for writing and thereby keep the writing process going
  • How to tell the good story and make it into a scientific article
  • Different ways to give feedback
  • Work styles, to make realistic plans and to create a writing group

One month after the last workshop participants hand in a 2-page paper reflecting on their writing process and how they have changed their writing practice.

Background literature

Gardiner, M. & Kearns, H. (2012), The ABCDE of Writing: Coaching high-quality high-quantity writing, International Coaching Psychology Review, Vol. 7 No 2, http://ithinkwell.com.au/content/ABCDEwriting.pdf (opens in firefox).

C. Aitchinson & C. Guerin (Ed.) (2014), Writing Groups for Doctoral Education and Beyond, Routledge.

Organizer: The Doctoral School of the Humanities, AAU.

Lecturers: Mirjam Godskesen, mirjam@hum.aau.dk, mobile +45 6166 7239

ECTS: Participants get 2 ECTS point for participating. To get the points participants need to attend 4 out of 5 workshops and hand in the reflection paper.

Time: Mondays, 26/4, 3/5, 17/5, 31/5 and 14/6.


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Number of seats: 25

Deadline: 12/4 2021