- Time: 25/5 2021, Place: Kroghstræde 3, lokale 2.107
- Description:
The course is aimed at experienced supervisors at the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences at AAU. It is a very intensive one-day course and the focus is on reflection on supervision style and learning from each other by sharing experiences. As preparation participants must write a supervision letter. The course language is English.
Target group: The seminar is directed at experienced PhD supervisors who have supervised at least 3 PhD students (1-2 can be co-supervision).
Form and content: Teaching at the course alternates between presentations, working with tools and methods, and exchanging experiences related to supervision. The following topics are included in the course:
· Theories and reflections on the supervisor role
· Critical moments and early warning signs
· Active listening
· Reading strategy
· Writing tools
· Feedback
· Tools to support alignment of expectations
Learning objectives: After completion of the course you will be able to:
· Reflect on your supervisory experiences in a more theoretical perspective
· Be aware of early warning signs
· Apply listening in a way that promotes development of independence
· Give feedback in a more constructive way
· Help your PhD student develop efficient reading and writing habits
· Align expectations in an explicit way
Preparation: Write a supervisor letter and send it to Mirjam@learning.aau.dk. Instructions will be sent to participants after registration.
09.00-10.15 The supervisor role – does it change for the experienced supervisor?
10.30-12.00 Critical moments and active listening
Dynamics of the PhD process are presented and challenges in the supervision experience are explored in groups through active listening
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45-14.15 Reading, writing and feedback
How can you help your PhD student make a reading strategy and develop good writing habits? And how do you give constructive feedback? Tools will be presented that might even be beneficial in your own work-life.
14.15-14.30 Coffee/the break
14.30-15.00 Aligning expectations
Different tools to align expectations are presented and participants discuss them in groups
15.00-16.00 Feedback on supervisor letters in groups and wrap up
- Organizer: Mirjam Godskesen, Mirjam@learning.aau.dk
- Course secretary: Mette Bjerring, mb@adm.aau.dk
- Lecturers: Mirjam Godskesen, Mirjam@learning.aau.dk
- Language: English
- Time: 25/5 2021
- Place: Kroghstræde 3, lokale 2.107
- Zip code:
- City:
- Deadline: 11/5 2021
- Teacher: Mirjam Godskesen