PhD Supervision online course for new supervisors
A one-month course combining mentoring, two online workshops and peer-supervision

  • Description: 

    The course is aimed at PhD supervisors and co-supervisors at AAU-hum at the beginning of their supervision career. It is preferable that you have started doing supervision when you enroll because the course is based on reflection on your own practice.

    Supervision is often carried out in small restricted circles and therefore we don’t get the chance to experience how other people supervise. The aim is to ‘open up the supervisory space’ and thereby inspire you and create room for reflection on your supervisory practice. Preparation must be expected before the course and you need to participate in peer supervision of each other’s supervision between the course days.

    The course language is English.

    Learning objectives - after completion of the course you will be able to:

    ·       Reflect on your own supervision role in a broader perspective

    ·       Identify your strengths and challenges as a supervisor and set goals for your development

    ·       Have new ideas for developing your supervision practice from observing other participant’s supervision and              exchanging experiences with them 

    ·       Align expectations with your PhD student and other supervisors in a structured way

    ·       Give constructive feedback that is concrete and criteria based

    ·       Adapt the supervision process, so the PhD students learning is optimized

    Form and content

    The course includes five elements:

    1.     Pre-course assignment: Hand in a short case story based on your own supervision experience (max 1 page)

    2.     Individual coaching session: Reflection on supervision style, strengths and challenges

    3.     Workshop 1: Aligning expectations with both the PhD student and other supervisors

    4.     Peer-supervision: Observe each other’s supervision and give feedback

    5.     Workshop 2: How to promote the candidates independence through constructive feedback

    Topics included in the course are:

    • Supervision style 
    • Awareness of strong and weak points as a supervisor 
    • Insights into your PhD students' own perspectives 
    • Feedback methods 
    • Collaboration agreement
    • Exchange of experiences with other supervisors 


    How to write the case story

    Describe an issue or problem, which you currently face in relation to one of your PhD students. The problem should be specific, current and unresolved. It could be about one of your student’s lack of skills, motivation or ownership. Or it could be about your work relationship with the student, the cooperation among the group of supervisors, or something else. You should also describe what kind of advice/help you wish to receive to move on with the issue.

    The description should be approximately ½-1 A4 page. The written material will not be distributed to the other course participants. You may be asked to share it orally at the workshops either in group work or in plenary.

    If you cannot think of any specific and unresolved problems related to your current PhD supervision practice or if you do not supervise PhD students yet, you can describe a situation or issue you have previously struggled with in your own PhD study or one related to supervision of master students.

    Please label the file and the story with your name, but remember to remove sensitive personal data from the case such as the names of students and co-supervisors. The case will be treated confidentially.

  • Organizer: Mirjam Godskesen,

  • Lecturers: Mirjam Godskesen,

  • Time:

    Deadline pre-assignment: 26.02.21 

    Individual coaching: Week 9, 2021, choose between 1/3 and 4/3 in the afternoon (arrange the specific time with the teacher)

    Online workshop 1: 3 hours 9-12: 08.03.21

    Peer supervision: Week 10-11, 2021 

    Online workshop 2: 3 hours 12.30-15.30: 23.03.21 

  • Place: Online

  • Number of seats: 6

  • Deadline: 19/2 2021