Professor Finn Collin will teach a PhD course on a theory of science with a focus on 'social constructivism' applied to discourse studies.

Finn Collin is known by his research within theory of science with particular focus on the challenges of a theory of science in social studies and humanities and has a long list of publications, which has played an influential role in the field.

In addition to his research, Finn Collin is actively involved in teaching and supervising at Copenhagen University.

DAY 1 is dedicated to the philosophical background and foundation of epistemological and ontological constructivism with specific focus on social constructivism, i.e. a basic introduction to the philosophical background of constructivism and social constructivism.

DAY 2 is dedicated to social constructivism within discourse studies. The learning objectives are to familiarize PhD students with constructivism and social constructivism, and, furthermore, provide a basic knowledge of this social constructivist approach to be able to apply it in one’s work.

The learning objective is to strengthen the PhD students’ knowledge and assist their learning processes when working with theory and methodology in relation to discourse studies.

The prerequisite for participation is to read everything on the reading plan (in English).

A second prerequisite for participation is to hand in a 2-page draft with a focus on methodology in relation to social constructivism. The student must also add two specific questions in relation to applying social constructivism in their research.

The language of the course will be English.

Deadline: 1st September 2020