
General course objectives

This PhD course aims to acquaint PhD students with the process of theorizing and theory building in management research. We start from the premise that it is critical for PhD students to master the process of theorizing and theory development from the extant knowledge and empirical data quite early in their Doctoral studies.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, the PhD candidates will have gained skills and knowledge in: (1) gaining sensitivity to theoretical development during the literature review process, and (2) analyzing and theorizing from qualitative data.


We target PhD students who are in their first eighteen - twenty-four months of the doctoral programme; students in their later stage of their studies are welcome also to apply. We accept max 20 students.


The PhD course will be delivered using a mixture of lecture-based and interactive teaching methods, including group assignments and feedback to PhD candidates on their identified issues and challenges.

The following TBRP faculty will be presenting: Dr. Andy Lowe, Grounded Theory Institute in California; Professor Emeritus Nikhilesh Dholakia; Dr. Michael Fast, University College of Northern Denmark; Dr. Romeo V. Turcan, Aalborg University (host).


Participation fee

300 EUR: the fee will cover costs related to: lunches (5), coffee breaks (2/day), dinners (2), and course material. Each participant is responsible for his/her own travel and accommodation.


DL1: Essay submission - March 31, 2020

DL2: Essay acceptance - April 10, 2020

DL3: Registration and payment of course fee – April 30, 2020


Aalborg University

Course website