This symposium about diabetes research in North Denmark is a 2-day course with the first day focusing on research and the second day on clinical practice. Both days will include lectures by current experts of the fields. Moreover, the first day will include a poster session, where the students are presenting their current preliminary results and receive feedback from the senior researchers providing the lectures. Second day include a networking lunch to strengthen future diabetes research in North Denmark.
The content of the course is:
- Antidiabetic Treatments
- Diabetes Technologies
- Diabetes and Eye Diseases
- The Diabetic Foot
- Gastroenterology in Diabetes
Literature: Links to scientific articles distributed in Moodle by the different lecturers in due time before the course.
Prerequisites: Approved abstract of international research quality.
Evaluation: Justification of the ECTS points include that it is a requirement that the student creates and submits an abstract of international research quality, prepare a poster for the symposium and present the poster at the poster session. Furthermore, scientific articles are pre-read for the course.
Abstract Submission & Poster Presentation Session - PhD Students
Please submit your abstract no later than 30 April 2020 to mhj@hst.aau.dk and cdahl@hst.aau.dk. The abstract should follow these guidelines:
The abstract should be prepared in a Word document and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract format should include four sections: Objective (the purpose or hypothesis of study), Research Design and Methods (the basic design, setting, number of participants and selection criteria, treatment or intervention, and methods of assessment), Results (significant data found), and Conclusions (the validity, limitations, and clinical applicability of the study and its results).
Abstracts will not be published.
The poster should follow these guidelines: Width 90 cm and length 150 cm.
Poster presentation: The duration of the presentation will be approx. 10 minutes depending on the number of participants. Further information to follow before the symposium.
Feedback on both abstract and poster will be given in connection with the poster presentation session on 27 May 2020.
Organisers: Associate Professor Carsten Dahl Mørch, email: cdahl@hst.aau.dk, Assistant Professor Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen, email: mhj@hst.aau.dk
Lecturers: Associate Professor Carsten Dahl Mørch, Assistant Professor Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen and others
Program: See the program here
ECTS: 2.0
Dates: Fall 2020
Place: Aalborg University, Niels Jernes Vej 14, auditorium 4-111
Deadline: Fall 2020
Number of seats: 30
ECTS: 2.0
Important information concerning PhD courses: We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 3,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately four months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.
- Teacher: Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen
- Teacher: Carsten Dahl Mørch