Welcome to Theories of Sustainable Transitions
Description.This PhD course is intended for students conducting research related to analysis, design and innovation processes for the needed transformations to achieve sustainability goals. The teachers of the course will offer advanced discussion in theories of transitions and will illustrate their theoretical work through case studies conducted in various places including Holland, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Argentina. These case studies range from local community based initiatives, to city projects to country and regional programs for sustainability. International collaboration efforts will also be discussed.
At the end of this course the students would be able to:
Explain how their own project and ideas relate to state of the art discussions in transitions theories (MLP; TIS; AOD; Practice Theory)
Explain the principal issues involved in innovations for sustainable transitions.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in various countries.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in urban settings analysing examples from Europe.
Describe the main governance challenges and advancements in relation to governance theories to achieve sustainable transitions.
Activity timeline:
Students should:
Enrol in the course by 31 March 2019 at https://phd.moodle.aau.dk/login/
Deliver a one-page description of their project by 1 of April 2019. Please be clear about what are the questions of your research project and in what ways you imagine that the transitions theories might be supportive.
Deliver by the 1st of May 2019 a three-page analysis of how their project relates to the course. In what ways does the literature help the project? In what ways does the project serves as a basis to criticize the literature?
Make a presentation during the course in order to get feedback from the teachers. The aim of the presentation is that students test their ideas of how the theories of transitions might be supportive of their project. (This is optional but strongly recommended)
Deliver by the 30th of July 2019 a 10 page paper with the full elaboration of their ideas. Ideally this exercise should support the students’ progress in their PhD either by advancing her state of the art review, a chapter, an article or any kind of structured idea.
In short:
Deadline for enrolment: 31 March 2019
Deadline for project paper: 1 of April 2019
Preparatory reading and writing: 1 April – 1 May 2019
Deadline for preliminary analysis: 1 May 2019
Meetings: 13-15 May (3 full days)
Delivery of a 10 page paper: 30 July 2019
At the end of this course the students will be able to:
This reading list is recommended. Students are free to replace these readings with others they might consider more pertinent. The objective however is that students should mature their theoretical take on their project through the course.
Explain how their own project and ideas relate to state of the art discussions in transitions theories (MLP; TIS; AOD)
Jørgensen, U. (2012). Mapping and navigating transitions—The multi-level perspective compared with arenas of development. Research Policy.
MARKARD, J. & TRUFFER, B. 2008. Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: Towards an integrated framework. Research Policy, 37, 596-615.
GEELS, F. W., HEKKERT, M. P. & JACOBSSON, S. 2008. The dynamics of sustainable innovation journeys. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20, 521-536.
Explain the principal issues involved in innovations for sustainable transitions.
Smith, A. (2007) Translating sustainabilities between green niches and socio-technical regimes, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 19, 4: 427-450
Marin, A. and M. Vila Seoane (2013). “A path breaking niche: The Cooperative COOPSOL Ltda.”. Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Smith, A. and R. Raven (2012) What is protective space? Reconsidering niches in transitions to sustainability, Research Policy 41: 1025-1036.
Smith, A., Kern, F, Raven, R. and B. Verhees (2013 – in press) Spaces for sustainable innovation: solar photovoltaic electricity in the UK, Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in Brazil and Argentina.
Smith, A., Fressoli, M. and H. Thomas (2012 – accepted) Grassroots innovation movements: challenges and contributions, Journal of Cleaner Production
Marin, A. (2012): Putting natural resources industries to work for sustainable development in Latin America. Poverty in Focus, Nro 24, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, p: 35-37.
Marin, A., L. Stubrin and P. Van Zwanenberg (2013). “ Developing capabilities in the seed industry: which direction to follow? .” Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Galvão, A., Juruá, M. and L. Esteves (2012). “The Amazons and the Use of its Biodiversity”. Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in urban settings analysing examples from Europe and Latin America.
Bulkeley, Harriet, and Michele Betsill. "Rethinking sustainable cities: multilevel governance and the 'urban'politics of climate change." Environmental Politics 14.1 (2005): 42-63.
Murphy, J and A Smith (2013 – in press) Understanding transition-periphery dynamics: renewable energy in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Environment and Planning A
Lissandrello, E. and Grin, J. (2011) Reflexive Planning as Design and Work: Lessons from the Port of Amsterdam. Planning Theory and Practice
Describe the main governance challenges and advancements in relation to governance theories to achieve sustainable transitions.
Voβ, J-P., Smith, A. And J. Grin (2009) Designing long-term policy: re-thinking transition management Policy Sciences 42, 4: 275-302
Smith, A. and A.Stirling (2010) The politics of social-ecological resilience and sustainable socio-technical transitions Ecology & Society 15, 1: online http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol15/iss1/art11/
Smith, A. and F. Kern (2009) The transitions storyline in Dutch environmental policy Environmental Politics, 18, 1: 78-98
Lissandrello, E. and Sterrenberg, L. (forthcoming) Transitions in Dutch Politics of Planning
Organizer: Andrés Valderrama afvp@plan.aau.dk and Ulrik Jørgensen uljo@plan.aau.dk
Lecturers: Professor Rob Raven (University of Utrecht); the organizers; and the following from DIST: Inge Røpke, Jens Stissing Jensen, Charlotte Louise Jensen, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen.
Time: May 13-15 2019
Place: AAU CPH, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 3. floor, room ACM15 3.084A
City: 2450 Copenhagen
Number of seats: 15
Deadline: April 22nd 2019
Important information concerning PhD courses: We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 5,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.
Description.This PhD course is intended for students conducting research related to analysis, design and innovation processes for the needed transformations to achieve sustainability goals. The teachers of the course will offer advanced discussion in theories of transitions and will illustrate their theoretical work through case studies conducted in various places including Holland, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Argentina. These case studies range from local community based initiatives, to city projects to country and regional programs for sustainability. International collaboration efforts will also be discussed.
At the end of this course the students would be able to:
Explain how their own project and ideas relate to state of the art discussions in transitions theories (MLP; TIS; AOD; Practice Theory)
Explain the principal issues involved in innovations for sustainable transitions.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in various countries.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in urban settings analysing examples from Europe.
Describe the main governance challenges and advancements in relation to governance theories to achieve sustainable transitions.
Activity timeline:
Students should:
Enrol in the course by 31 March 2019 at https://phd.moodle.aau.dk/login/
Deliver a one-page description of their project by 1 of April 2019. Please be clear about what are the questions of your research project and in what ways you imagine that the transitions theories might be supportive.
Deliver by the 1st of May 2019 a three-page analysis of how their project relates to the course. In what ways does the literature help the project? In what ways does the project serves as a basis to criticize the literature?
Make a presentation during the course in order to get feedback from the teachers. The aim of the presentation is that students test their ideas of how the theories of transitions might be supportive of their project. (This is optional but strongly recommended)
Deliver by the 30th of July 2019 a 10 page paper with the full elaboration of their ideas. Ideally this exercise should support the students’ progress in their PhD either by advancing her state of the art review, a chapter, an article or any kind of structured idea.
In short:
Deadline for enrolment: 31 March 2019
Deadline for project paper: 1 of April 2019
Preparatory reading and writing: 1 April – 1 May 2019
Deadline for preliminary analysis: 1 May 2019
Meetings: 13-15 May (3 full days)
Delivery of a 10 page paper: 30 July 2019
At the end of this course the students will be able to:
This reading list is recommended. Students are free to replace these readings with others they might consider more pertinent. The objective however is that students should mature their theoretical take on their project through the course.
Explain how their own project and ideas relate to state of the art discussions in transitions theories (MLP; TIS; AOD)
Jørgensen, U. (2012). Mapping and navigating transitions—The multi-level perspective compared with arenas of development. Research Policy.
MARKARD, J. & TRUFFER, B. 2008. Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: Towards an integrated framework. Research Policy, 37, 596-615.
GEELS, F. W., HEKKERT, M. P. & JACOBSSON, S. 2008. The dynamics of sustainable innovation journeys. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20, 521-536.
Explain the principal issues involved in innovations for sustainable transitions.
Smith, A. (2007) Translating sustainabilities between green niches and socio-technical regimes, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 19, 4: 427-450
Marin, A. and M. Vila Seoane (2013). “A path breaking niche: The Cooperative COOPSOL Ltda.”. Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Smith, A. and R. Raven (2012) What is protective space? Reconsidering niches in transitions to sustainability, Research Policy 41: 1025-1036.
Smith, A., Kern, F, Raven, R. and B. Verhees (2013 – in press) Spaces for sustainable innovation: solar photovoltaic electricity in the UK, Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in Brazil and Argentina.
Smith, A., Fressoli, M. and H. Thomas (2012 – accepted) Grassroots innovation movements: challenges and contributions, Journal of Cleaner Production
Marin, A. (2012): Putting natural resources industries to work for sustainable development in Latin America. Poverty in Focus, Nro 24, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, p: 35-37.
Marin, A., L. Stubrin and P. Van Zwanenberg (2013). “ Developing capabilities in the seed industry: which direction to follow? .” Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Galvão, A., Juruá, M. and L. Esteves (2012). “The Amazons and the Use of its Biodiversity”. Report for the IDRC funded project “Opening up Natural Resource-Based Industries for Innovation: Exploring New Pathways for Development in Latin America”.
Describe the main challenges and efforts to sustainable transitions in urban settings analysing examples from Europe and Latin America.
Bulkeley, Harriet, and Michele Betsill. "Rethinking sustainable cities: multilevel governance and the 'urban'politics of climate change." Environmental Politics 14.1 (2005): 42-63.
Murphy, J and A Smith (2013 – in press) Understanding transition-periphery dynamics: renewable energy in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Environment and Planning A
Lissandrello, E. and Grin, J. (2011) Reflexive Planning as Design and Work: Lessons from the Port of Amsterdam. Planning Theory and Practice
Describe the main governance challenges and advancements in relation to governance theories to achieve sustainable transitions.
Voβ, J-P., Smith, A. And J. Grin (2009) Designing long-term policy: re-thinking transition management Policy Sciences 42, 4: 275-302
Smith, A. and A.Stirling (2010) The politics of social-ecological resilience and sustainable socio-technical transitions Ecology & Society 15, 1: online http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol15/iss1/art11/
Smith, A. and F. Kern (2009) The transitions storyline in Dutch environmental policy Environmental Politics, 18, 1: 78-98
Lissandrello, E. and Sterrenberg, L. (forthcoming) Transitions in Dutch Politics of Planning
Organizer: Andrés Valderrama afvp@plan.aau.dk and Ulrik Jørgensen uljo@plan.aau.dk
Lecturers: Professor Rob Raven (University of Utrecht); the organizers; and the following from DIST: Inge Røpke, Jens Stissing Jensen, Charlotte Louise Jensen, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen.
Time: May 13-15 2019
Place: AAU CPH, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 3. floor, room ACM15 3.084A
City: 2450 Copenhagen
Number of seats: 15
Deadline: April 22nd 2019
Important information concerning PhD courses: We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 5,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.
- Teacher: Michael Søgaard Jørgensen
- Teacher: Andres Felipe Valderrama Pineda