Welcome to Systems Risk Modelling and Analysis in Engineering Decision Making
The present course provides the background, methods and tools for probabilistic modeling and analysis of engineered systems in the context of decision making aiming to support the management of risks, safety, security, robustness, resilience and sustainability.
Topics/lectures of the course include:
- Probability and statistics in engineering
- Bayesian decision analysis
- Preferences and risk metrics
- Probabilistic systems representation
- Systems performance characteristics
- Methods and tools for risk and decision analysis
- Application examples
Application domains include but are not limited to transport infrastructures, energy production and distribution systems, buildings and structures, offshore and marine systems, natural hazards protection structures.
The target audience is PhD students but also young researchers and professionals from the industry and governmental agencies with an interest in the topics of the course are welcome. The course is offered at national as well as international level.
Examination will take basis in exercises to be solved during the course. For the participant interested in the full 5 ECTS points an additional assignment to be solved within 2 weeks from the finalization of the course is offered. This assignment will be examined through a web-conference session.
Organizer: Prof., PhD, Michael Havbro Faber, mfn@civil.aau.dk
Lecturers: Prof., PhD, M. H. Faber, Dep. of Civil Eng. Aalborg University, Prof., PhD J. D. Sørensen, Dep. Of Civil. Eng. Aalborg University, Ass. Prof, PhD Simona Miraglia, Dept. of Civil Eng. Aalborg University and Ass. Prof., PhD, Jianjun Qin, Dept. Civil Eng., Aalborg University.
ECTS: 5 (3 ECTS at Aalborg University + 2 ECTS assignment home)
Course participation is free for PhD students from Denmark and any other of the Nordic countries - and K-Force participants.
For all other course participants a registration fee of EUR 400.- applies.
All participants are offered coffee or refreshments at coffee breaks and a course dinner event on 17 May for additional EUR 100.-. Participants are responsible for organizing and paying for their own travel, meals, and accommodation.
Please use this link for payment
Time: 14-18 May 2018, each day 08:30 to 18:00 hours
Place: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, Thomas Manns Vej 23.
14 May: Thomas Manns Vej 23, room 1.104
15 May: Fibigerstraede 16, room 1.111
16 May: Thomas Manns Vej 23, room 1.238
17 May: Thomas Manns Vej 23, room 1.238
18 May: Thomas Manns Vej 23, room 1.238
City: Aalborg
Number of seats: 40
Deadline: 23 April 2018
Important information concerning PhD courses We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 5,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.
- Teacher: Michael Havbro Faber
- Teacher: Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen
- Teacher: John Dalsgaard Sørensen