Welcome to Advanced LCA – consequential modelling, EIO LCA, iLUC, and social LCA

The course combines state of the art LCA with PBL-learning.
The students have the option of writing a paper based on their specific PhD projects combined with the knowhow they develop during the course.
Day 1-2: Consequential modeling in life cycle inventory
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke, and Anna Flysjö (Life Cycle Sustainability Manager, Arla Foods amba)

Day 3: Modeling of indirect land use change (iLUC)
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke.

Day 4: Input-output modeling (the basics, hybrid LCA, IO-based mass flow analysis and waste accounts)
Lecturers: Professor Bo Weidema, Associate Professor Jannick Schmidt, Associate Professor Søren Løkke.

Day 5: Rebound effects - a holistic approach to the technology factor and environmental assessment
Presenters: (all TBC) Jørgen Stig Nørgaard, Jannick Schmidt, Petter Næss, Carlo Aall, Jin Xue, Frede Hvelplund, Bo Weidema, Søren Løkke.

Organizer: Søren Løkke, email: loekke@plan.aau.dk , Jannick Schmidt and Massimo Pizzol

Lecturers: Søren Løkke, email: loekke@plan.aau.dk , Jannick Schmidt and Massimo Pizzol

ECTS: 5 or 8
The course has five days with face-to-face teaching, dialogue, and problem solving, this corresponds to 5 ECTS. Optionally, participants can choose to write a paper based on own case and learning from the course, and receive professional guidance based on distance supervision. The final submission of the paper will have deadline 6 weeks after the first day of the course. This corresponds to additional 3 ECTS.

Course fee:
Attendee Price 5 ECTS** Price (incl paper writing) 5+3 ECTS**
PhD students (non-Danish)* 3.000 DKK (400 EUR) 4.500 (600 EUR)
PhD students (Danish)* 750 DKK (150 EUR) 750 DKK (150 EUR)
Professionals 15.000 DKK (2000 EUR) 22.500 DKK (3000 EUR)
* Due to a treaty among Danish universities, there is no admission fee for Danish PhD students – only course material and meals supplied during the course are charged.
** Accommodation, breakfast, and dinner are not included. Social dinner Monday is included.

Please pay to the following account:
Bank: Danske Bank, Algade 53, 9000 Aalborg
Account No: 3201-9189629
IBAN No: DK6730000009189629
Payment to Aalborg Unversity, Skibbrogade 5, DK-9000 Aalborg
Reference: Your name and course name/10-212025-64301-762001-76262

Time: September 2- 6, 2013

Place: Aalborg University, City Centre

Zip code: 9000

City: Aalborg

Number of seats: 40

Deadline: August 22, 2013

Important information concerning PhD courses

We have over some time experienced problems with no-show for both project and general courses. It has now reached a point where we are forced to take action. Therefore, the Doctoral School has decided to introduce a no-show fee of DKK 5,000 for each course where the student does not show up. Cancellations are accepted no later than 2 weeks before start of the course. Registered illness is of course an acceptable reason for not showing up on those days. Furthermore, all courses open for registration approximately three months before start. This can hopefully also provide new students a chance to register for courses during the year. We look forward to your registrations.