Date: August the 30th from 12.00 to 16.30
Location: Aalborg University, Faculty of Medicine, Selma Lagerlöfs vej 249, 9260 Klarup. Room 12.01.004
This year’s PhD day will focus on how we can communicate our research in a short manner that ensure its impact and understanding by non-scientific peers. Inspired by the pitch we are often giving at conferences (e.g., prior to poster presentation) and the Danish PhD cup (see link and related videos below).
Considering the feedback received last year, the Doctoral School has organized oral pitch sessions where you as PhD student will have 3 minutes – no more! to present your PhD project.
No slides will be allowed but you may bring one prop for your pitch - In short tell the story of your PhD thesis in an engaging and creative way
1 ECTS if given for active participation (pitching)
if you are going to pitch your research click "yes" in the survey below
12.00-12.30 Sandwich
12.30-13 Welcome and news from the faculty and the Doctoral School – Dean, Lars Hvilsted Rasmussen & Head of Graduate School, Pascal Madeleine
13.00-14.00 Pitch presentations – Session 1 and 2
14.15 -15.00 How to find and tell the good stories from your research – Anders Høeg Lammers,
15.00-15.15 15 min break
15.15 - 16.15 Pitch presentations – Session 3 and 4
16.15 - 17.00Closing remarks, best pitch awards and refreshments – Head of Doctoral School, Pascal Madeleine
*** Please note that the DEDS Winter School only can be attended by PhD students enrolled in the DEDS programme! ***
The 2nd DEDS Winter School will provide ESRs with knowledge about how to commercialise research results, first
focusing on Intellectual Property Rights and give an understanding of the importance of using patents, and then focusing
on entrepreneurship and exploring how to turn research into innovations and new startups.
Dates: Monday 6th March - Friday 10th March
Venue: Kompas Hotel, Østerbro 27, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark
- Monday 6th March, 9:00-17:00: Intellectual Property Rights, lecturer European Patent Attorney Nina Skivesen, Patrade
- Tuesday 7th March, 9:00-17:00: Intellectual Property Rights, lecturer European Patent Attorney Nina Skivesen, Patrade
- Wednesday 8th March, morning: ESR progress presentations
- Wednesday 8th March, afternoon/evening: Excursion and working dinner
- Thursday 9th March, 9:00-17:00: From Research to Business, lecturers Professor John Rasmussen and Special Consultant Gert Spender-Andersen, AAU
- Friday 10th March, 9:00-15:00: From Research to Business, lecturers Professor John Rasmussen and Special Consultant Gert Spender-Andersen, AAU
- Teacher: Katja Hose
- Teacher: Torben Bach Pedersen
- Teacher: John Rasmussen
- Teacher: Dimitris Sacharidis
- Teacher: Tomer Sagi
- Teacher: Nina Skivesen
- Teacher: Gert Spender-Andersen
- Teacher: Christian Thomsen

Topics in Acoustics and Hearing
This course introduced participants to methods that can measure the spatial room impulse and analyse it using the Spatial Decomposition Method. It also examined the methods of geometrical acoustics, and the shortcomings that should be reviewed for every use case. It further introduced the candidate to periodicity-induced effects and methods in vibro-acoustics. The course also introduced criteria for risk of hearing damage from leisure exposure, in particular when listening to music over earphones. It further introduced methods for hearing alleviation through tailored amplification, and provided hands-on experience with real-ear measurements for given hearing-aid fittings. The course also introduced advanced auditory modelling, considering both behavioural responses as well as electrophysiological correlates. The course also reviewed hearing at low and infrasonic frequencies, and provided first-hand experience with infrasonic sound exposure. Hands-on experience from laboratory exercises was provided, including the introduction of the ACOUCOU open-source platform.
Course responsible: Professor Dorte Hammershøi, Department of Electronic Systems.
Lecturers: Professor Dorte Hammershøi, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark, Professor Tapio Lokki, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, Professor Peter U. Svensson, Department of Electroacoustics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Professor Torsten Dau, Hearing Systems, Department of Health Sciences, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, Professor Tobias Neher, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, Associate Professor Christian Sejer Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark.
For more information click here
The training school (which is part of the Young Forum experience) will take place in the weekend preceding the conference (May 7-8, 2022).
The training school is held on the campus of Aalborg University (campus zip code 9220 Aalborg Ø) utilizing seminar and group rooms for lectures and discussions, and lab facilities for hands-on exercises. If you want to attend, please remember to tick the option, when registering. It can be added to your registration at a later stage, as long as we have open seats.
Participation is free for students. Non-students can participate at an extra cost of 160€.
Meals during the training school are free. On Saturday night a free dinner downtown Aalborg is organized.
Aalborg University certifies the attendance, hence you will receive a diploma for your participation.
Time: May 7 - 8
- Teacher: Dorte Hammershøi
- Teacher: Rodrigo Ordoñez
- Teacher: Christian Sejer Pedersen
Welcome to Navigate academia and Maximize your potential workshop series
This online workshop series is a full process and each session builds on each others. Upon registration, we ask the participants to agree to join the full process and dedicate time to attend all sessions
Duration: 4 interactive online seminars of 1,5 hours each and 25-40 min in between sessions to prepare for the session to come and complete the manifesto
Session 1 Friday 25 march 10:00-11:30 Self-leadership with Dr Mette Sjöberg Anthonsen
Session 2 Friday 8 april 10:00-11:30 Sleep and Healthy Habits with Dr Frida Rångtell
Session 3 Friday 22 april 10:00-11:30 Personal Wellbeing and Academic culture with Dr Déborah Rupert
Session 4 Friday 6 may 10:00-11:30 Wrap up and sharing of the manifesto with all facilitators
Course organiser: Dear Academia – main contact: Deborah Rupert email:
Course lecturers: Dr Mette Sjöberg Anthonsen, Dr Frida Rångtell, Dr Déborah Rupert
Place: Online via Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 899 2744 3197
Passcode: LetsTalk!
In this workshop series, our intentions are that you:
· Grow your self-leadership to maximize your potential and navigate academia
· Improve your sleep and implement healthy routines
· Develop strategies to manage stress and grow resilience
· Build a manifesto as a roadmap for your personal and professional development
The course comprises of preparation work before each session and dedicated time to work on the manifesto between sessions (25-40 min)
This is a highly interactive workshop series where participants will do hands-on exercises and sharing in breakouts room. The facilitators follow the code of ethics of the international coaching federation and are bound to confidentiality. The course will follow the Chatham house rule where participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of any other participant may be revealed.
In order of appearance, we are:
· Dr Mette Sjöberg Anthonsen, Executive coach, PCC
· Dr Frida Rångtell, Sleep educator -
· Dr Déborah Rupert, Wellbeing and career coach -

The Role of the Manifesto
We seldom take the time to be very specific and strategic about our personal and professional development. During the workshop series, you will be invited to complete a manifesto. This guided document goes along the workshop series to get concrete formulations into writing around your competencies, crystalize your goals and how you want to reach them. Once completed, the manifesto will serve as a roadmap for your personal and professional journey.
During session 4 of the workshop series, participants will be sharing their manifestos in small groups for deepened learning. We often hear from participants that session 4 brought most learnings and insights during sharings. We strongly encourage you to work continuously with your manifesto during the workshop series and recommend dedicating ~20 min in between workshops.
From you, we ask for:
· Presence and active participation in the workshops
· Engagement in the preparatory work for each workshop
· Taking own responsibility for formulating your learnings
Active work with your manifesto between workshops
Warm welcome!
Mette and Frida - Dear Academia